Sunday, March 1, 2009

Victory by default is not a good victory

My story was alright, but really, there were lots of ways to beat it. I mean, my excerpt barely contained zombies (the zombie part was in the stuff I cut out from the translation), the title was somewhat lacking (good for being a literary reference, but not really the catchy title that was requested in the challenge). The subject was shocking, but really, that was the easiest part to come up with.

Though it is not my turn, I propose another challenge, to run concurrently with whatever our host has. The prize? Some of your dignity back, and any claim to heckle in the comments. The contest: "Why I didn't bother to submit an entry to a textFIGHT challenge." The entrants will be judged by their entries. The non-entrants will be judged far more harshly I am sure. This contest is open to anyone but me, as I have not missed a contest I was eligible for yet.

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