Sunday, September 5, 2010

8 o clock and all's well

My progress is slow, and I'm expecting a looong night. I'm cruising at an altitude of about 15,000 words. I would like to hit 20,000 or more before I go to sleep. This is probably realistic. I don't know.

I've gotten past the hurdles of considering vast cuts or just giving up. I will finish this.

I've had sufficient feedback to determine that it's readable if not brilliant. It's maybe more dependent on the previous two 3-Day novels than is likely to be good for it, but I knew that might happen.

The book has made me laugh twice and shudder twice, and that's okay.

I know, more or less where I need to go, and I just need the characters to take me there as naturally as they can. It's just a race against the clock.

One weird thing is that, in a rare turnabout for me during the contest, I think this book gets BETTER as it goes instead of starting like dynamite and kind of fizzling toward the end.

That's better? Right?

More as events warrrant.

Oh.. hey I just realized that I can put the 1100 words or so that I cut this morning back in soon. Whee!

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