Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day One

I am now at 10,000 words, or thirty nine pages. Almost exactly a third of the way in. I intend to have a little rest now, and maybe a nap. If it turns out to be a night's sleep so be it. I might wake up and write a bit more.

The section I just wrote actually creeped me out a bit, and I'm not sure if it's creepy to anyone but me. I guess we'll see.

I've written some things today I'm very happy with, and some stuff I just don't know about.

I'm in the kind of free-associative state that I was last year, but with a little less of a fixed idea of what will happen in each section. The characters keep surprising me, and that always changes things, and that can take a books on some unexpected turns.

Which can be good artistically, but can really fuck with the actual writing. Sometimes your imagination needs to catch up.

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