Saturday, September 4, 2010

Over the worst

I would like to think I've turned a corner. I think I've wrestled the structure of the book into place, and can do this. I just don't know, at this point, if what I'm writing is any fun to read. So I've recruited a beta reader to take a look at what I've got right now. Drop me an email if you want to take a look. Honest feedback was tremendously useful in the last two. The thing about these novels is you can easily commit to a very bad decision just because of the pace you need to write at.

Silver Bullets, in particular, was saved by an early bit of feedback.

So that's where I'm at. I'm still a bit further behind than I'd like to be in terms of word count, but I think my brain has been busy plotting int he background and that slowed me down.

I'll keep you posted.

Book's called Never Land by the way.

1 comment:

G- said...

Mine's What the Cat Dragged In