Saturday, September 1, 2012

Going to bed.

    I just finished the Prologue and half the first chapter.  Things are coming out the way I'd hoped they would so far.  Of course, I'm strung out and wired right now.  In the morning I might feel differently.  An hour and forty minutes has produced about 2200 words. 

   Beginnings are usually the easiest part on the 3-Day, because you rehearse them in your head.  Not so much this time.  The tone is a little different than I planned.   That's not a bad thing.

  As I say, I like there to be some surprises.

  It's a good start and a convenient end point.  My dog is about three feet behind me, fast asleep and adorable.  I've learned the importance of sleep for this contest, and I'll crawl in there beside him for about 8 hours.

  See you in the morning.

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