Saturday, September 1, 2012


   So, one of the characters in my book just did something that surprised me so completely that I am breathless.  My outline is done.  It's garbage.  My whole book just changed, and, I think, for the better.  I am not written into a corner here at all.

  To the contrary, the story now makes an entirely different kind of sense to me now.

  I know what needs to come next, but I think I need some time to digest it.

  I'm back on schedule, more or less.  I expect there to be a lot less staring at the page and screaming tomorrow, so I think I'm in a good place.

  I know it's a cliche for writers to say that the characters do all the work, and make their own decisions.  At moments like this, I really have to agree though.  This story just took a ninety degree turn, and I'm getting to have that weird experience that I sometimes get to have where I discover the story the way a reader would.


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