Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 5

Okay, so, I'm nearly at the part of the novel that broke me during the 3 Day Novel Contest.  I'm not looking forward to "living" through it again.

It's been a very unsatisfying day of work.  I've been making minor changes and expansions to the existing text, rather than doing any major new pieces.  The changes are, I think, for the better, and I'm not BORED exactly, but my brain is whining at me.  "I wrote this book already, give me a new toy," it keeps saying.

I just need to be patient.  I'm two longish chapters away from writing a whole huge piece of the novel that plain didn't exist before.  It's a section I'm looking forward to.  I think it will make Will's anger feel a little more earned.

I'm still behind schedule, but I think I can catch up on the long weekend coming up.

Even with my slight lag in word count, I'm still doing better on NaNoWriMo than I ever have.  That's not saying much, of course.

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