Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7

Okay, so I wrote a whole new scene.  The first of two that are coming on in short order.  That went quickly, and well.

Now I have some revision of existing material to wrestle with.  I'm going to try and keep at it for an hour or so longer.

Tomorrow is game night so I expect I'll be going into the long weekend with a deficit of about 3000 words.

I am confident I can catch up.  A lot of what's to come now is new scenes rather than revision, and those go quickly.

One thing is that I've discovered I am actually adding more words to the overall manuscript than I thought I had.  As I go, I expand things, but I've also cut pieces of the manuscript, and I was worried I was cutting enough that I was impeding progress.

The 3 day version of the book was 30,942 words. I've added 8, 226 words to the overall length of the manuscript.  That's better than I'd hoped.  Another excision is coming up pretty quick though.

I expect that I will, if I stay on pace, turn it into a real full length book, though.  here's hoping.

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