Friday, October 31, 2008

Fear Yig!!

So I'm totally winning so far right?



Anonymous said...

Literally only by default.

Dredging up the "scientific" journal of the "leading researcher" Dr. Anders of the "highly accredited and not just a joke college" that is Miskatonic "University" is really of questionable use, and rather insulting to D. habilis studies. No evidence for the Maniraptora has been found beyond Laurentia, and all information limits D. habilis to a +/- 15 million year period around 100 million years ago.

Based on the dates, current doctrine holds that "Dr." Anders did not go on his grand expedition to Antarctica, but instead was seen drinking "the black blood of Azazael" (a mix of hash, heroin, absinthe and various other ingredients) with some friends, and riffing off the latest issues of Amazing Stories. This is supported by fines issued to him for general lewdness and behaviour not befitting a gentleman issued in the greater Boston area, including one account of misconduct with a peccary.

Gordon said...

Has anyone ever told you that you eat the fun from their life?

-Gordon, a man whose fun was eaten by Grymm

Anonymous said...

That is what us Azathothians do... Azathoth: because my god is so great he doesn't need my worship.

Gordon said...

Touche sir, touche. And well played.
