Thursday, October 9, 2008

Great Sadness

Some time has now passed since I declared this contest. It would be entirely correct to say that I am disappointed. You have made the God-Emperor sad.

Am I such the tyrant that the only one among you willing to devote your considerable talents and energy to glorify me is an obvious apostate?

The "Prophet" who has posted here is no prophet of my glory. I am not a shy or soft spoken person. All who live in my realm know this as truth. Never have I been shy to speak my own will, too spread my own demands.

This so-called prophet believes that he can take some of my power onto himself through an intrusive clinging to my legend. He possesses no such status. I suspect him of seeking power for his own sake, and not to the good of you, my people, and certainly not mine. He has presumed too much, and a close reading of his text will reveal a mind more focused on the glory of the prophet himself than on your God-Emperor.

I will be merciful and assume the best, that my glory overwhelmed common sense. I invite you to try again, and this time to think more of my greatness, and less of your petty aspirations.

I expect poems, statues, paintings and songs.

Right quick.

I have spoken


Gordon said...

It pains me that I have failed the God-Emporer so! As such I shall exile myself into the desert for a time of three days with niether food, nor water, in hopes of recieving a vision of your true glory Boutros Boutros States, God-Emporer of all he sees.

-Gordon, hoping to be the Prophet of the God-Emporer

Anonymous said...

The thing is, your Glorious Pantsness, what if what to do to honour you is not sufficient? In fact, I'm certain there's no way it could be sufficient. And anything less than honouring you properly is an insult, is it not?

I would hate to insult you.


Unknown said...

To dare greatly and fail is a better tribute to my spirit than not to try at all.

So hop to it, lest I be forced to call forth a squadron of my finest goons.

Anonymous said...

Ooooookay... ah... before I do that, I should also say that I would not want to embarrass the God Emperor with the fervor of my adulation.


Gordon said...

Boutros Boutros States, he whom is called God-Emporer, I have returned from my self-imposed exile in the desert. I have existed without food, nor sleep, nor water since the 10th day of October and have now returned with a vision. A vision of truth. I shall share this vision with the masses and they shall be awakened. Prepare thyselves servants of the God-Emplorer, the revelation I bring shall show you much you did not know of your God-Emporer. Stand ready for I am the Prophet sent to guide you.

-Gordon, the Prophet

Anonymous said...

I am dying to hear all these things I did not know about the God-Emperor.


Gordon said...

At the appointed time my child, at the appointed time...

-Gordon, former Prophet and High Prostitute Wrangler of the "God-Emporer"