Friday, November 14, 2008

A Challenge...

Okay, everyone's been way too down-in-the-mouth around here lately, and I too have been feeling the November blues from the weather, so this is my challenge to you, if your writing is not flowing:

Take something or someone in your life that's bothering you, if it's an inanimate object personify it, and write a brief creative piece--poetry, fiction, take your pick--in which that person or thing is the villain who becomes contrite and/or a piece in which that character is a blip on the screen. Or something that pokes fun at the whole situation. Something that makes you feel better.

You don't have to share it with anyone, but it will likely make you feel better. (Or so my recent reading of L. M. Montgomery's Emily of New Moon reminded me--she did that all the time, and it was terribly cathartic.)

Just a thought. I'm thinking about doing something that helps me laugh at this stupid weather.

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