Saturday, November 1, 2008

First day, retrospective I'm at 1620 words as of 11:17. I will probably write some more, but this is a good place to stop and look back.

I'm not doing too badly, considering I scrapped the first 2500 words or so that I wrote and started over. The beginning part of this book is the hardest. I have the plot in mind firmly, and the character arc, but setting the tone of the book is hard.

Fake non-fiction is something I've not done for hugely extended periods of time. I think I'll get there.

Anyway, over on The Rook's Nest, I've posted the first discrete chunk of the book. It forms, happily, a good starting point and has a beginning, middle, and end. People familiar with my work will enjoy it more than those who aren't, I suspect. We'll see.

Anyway, please do take a look if you've the time. Feedback, even simple feedback, stokes my engine.

I'm also adding the word counts at the side. Those with moderate canniness in html should be able to handle updating their own. If you need help, let me know. This isn't a race, it's jut a way to help us all see where we're at to provide encouragement.


More tomorrow. Enjoy the extra sleep, if you are among those who fall back tonight.


Gordon said...

You know I love you.


Deborah Leiter Nyabuti said...

Good stuff. As for my word count, if you check out my blog you'll see my word count (after going to bed around 6 a.m.) is at 3646 words and 3 revised pages.

But my word count started on Friday and I still have insane amounts of writing and revising to do for my conference paper and other deadlines tomorrow night, so what looks like "ahead" means "in deep trouble, because needs to conjure a couple more days' worth of time between now and tomorrow night."

Wow, this is giving me perspective on what a gargantuan task I set for myself this weekend...sheesh. Oh, well, if one or more of the resulting submissions look reasonable to people it will be all worthwhile...