Friday, September 4, 2009

A follow up suggestion from the same bloke

"Hey Ryan

Just thought of one.

Nice Cream.

The name of ice cream company for which a struggling actor works inbetween endless auditions with only moderate success (including wearing the Lion suit outside the theatre when Lion King is playing).

He is an ice cream van salesman, going from snot-nosed neighbourhood to over-privileged, spoilt rotten neighbourhood, selling ice cream to little shits.

There is one particulr kid who pisses him off immensely with his bad manners and attitude. One day he decides to stuff the ice cream in the kid's face and then tell him it's on the house.

Things escalate and as he's driving off one day, the kid grabs hold of the back of his van. He speeds off and the kid falls off. He laughs and carries on.

Days later he gets called into his boss' office to be told the parents are suing him and the company. It all escalates from there.

That's all I've got for now. As I said, all taken from real life experience (my brother was the ice cream man in question and all of that happened). It could get all Travis Bickle and could be fun. Or you might think it's a shit idea. Either way, it's the best I could think of at short notice!

Good luck, amigo."

That is a hell of an idea, and on my short list in one form or another, but I don't think I have the comic chops to pull off a sustained novel. Hm.

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