Saturday, September 5, 2009

It is more fun with at least one other

As Ryan mentioned, I offered to play along, though I am not entering the contest. This is for a number of reasons. First, I decided to join in too late. Second, I have many things that I would rather spend the money on. I have done multiple 24 hour comics before, and much in the same way, I know I have the motivation to do it for myself. Third, as somewhat explained in the next paragraph, it is not going to really be a narrative. Fourth, though the work is going to be all mine written now, the world that I am dealing with has been developed collaboratively so far, and will be afterwards. I don't want to limit myself to being tied down by being the only author on this.

All that being said, my work is somewhere between a yanyi, a hagiography, a cosmogony, or perhaps just a history of the forces of Conglomerated Union for Dastardly Deeds and Licentious Endeavours. As these works tend to be, it will be rambling and somewhat directionless. I guess in some ways it won't exactly be a novel be some standards as it won't really have a plot. But I knew this from minute one.

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