Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Okay, despite the clock saying time has run out for some reason, there are still over three hours left to submit.

Despite that, I am tired, and I am going to bed. I have, therefore, set up the voting poll as of now. Should we receive any entries in the intervening time, I'll append it.

So, to review:

1)Jill spat venom like a hick spits t'baccy.
2)Gordon hit us up with an entry best called wacky.
3)Grymm moved in with a steam punk vibe.
4)Ryan let us know the Mack was still alive.
5)Gayleen also entered, but did not have a sixth person with whom to rhyme.

Voting commences immediately. You have until midnight tomorrow. Then I announce the winner, formally, and name the prize.



cenobyte said...

Um. How do we vote? Do we email you? Are you setting up a poll? Do we ask the Barbies (who never showed up, btw) to contact the contestants individually? Do we post our votes on the blog?

cenobyte said...

Oh, um. Never mind. I saw the poll there.

Anonymous said...

Actually, mine is not Steam Punk. It is based on the idea that a Space Suit is designed to potentially protect against space trash and micro-meteorites. It is made of numerous layers of woven metal with extra metal plates. A knife wielded by a human is going to do nothing to it.

However, overexertion will kill you, as a spacesuit will trap heat (heat is tricky to disperse in a vaccuum), which will speed up metabolism through working, which will keep overheating. Which will also use up oxygen faster. Can't breathe: you are going to die.

Unknown said...

And still, My tall and imposing friend, it felt steampunky to me.