Monday, September 1, 2008

Manufactured Stress

Dear God!

I am over 28,000 words, and yet my manuscript is not near 100 pages. What's up with that?

Anyway, despite the fact that I am only 2000 words from my goal, and maybe 6000 words from the end, and therefore have plenty of time, I am feeling the pressure of the countdown most acutely. This is probably a good thing, as it's keeping me furiously on pace, but I'm feeling less relaxed than ever.

At least, I'm not cocky.

Spenser is with his Mommy today at the 3 Day Album recording sessions. I thought I would enjoy the break from his rather needy pestering and appreciate some quiet solo time with Destine, who is a much less demanding companion. Strangely, though, I am missing his big fuzzy nose on my arm asking to be let out, and his daffy smile.

So, if you're reading this, G, skritch him would you?

And hey, Ril, give us an update, will you? I'm on tenterhooks, seriously.

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