Saturday, August 30, 2008


I'm writing up a storm. I'm having no problems writing, and I'm following my outline. Things are going well.

Except that I'm into my fifth chapter and I have written four thousand words. That means my projected word count is going to be roughly 18,000 words instead of 30,000. I obviously miscalculated how much meat would be in each of my chapters. I've just had some lunch, and I'm going to spend some time revising my outline before I continue. I think if I can figure out where I can add more substance to the text now, I'll have a better chance of making this a good read than if I finish the text according to my outline and then add padding.

I'm disappointed as hell, and I'm not that excited with what I'm writing. I'm at the stage where the plot is going to thicken, so I hope I'll be more enthused as the day goes on.


Unknown said...

That's not a disaster. It's an opportunity. You get to tell more story. Embrace it. I'm a little concerned I'm hiking down the opposite trail.

I'll see how I feel in four or five hours.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Rilla (and Ryan)! Keep plugging away.


mmrilla said...

ryan: I had a pretty full story with my original outline. Now I've got StoryPlus, and I'm still not quite at 30,000 words. I have to admit that I screwed this up and start thinking of what I can change.

Rob: Thanks for the well wishes. Every bit of encouragement helps.