Friday, August 29, 2008

One Thing I Don't Fear

Deb posted some humourous advice on Writer's Block today. As I settle in to the final moments before I can actually start writing my novel(la), I certainly am not worried about writer's block. It's weird, but it seems to me that the whole spirit of this insane adventure is to just write. Get it out. Get it down. Write something. There's no time for writer's block because you have, well, no time.

So, thanks, Deb, for the encouragement, but I am really hoping that this, of all things, will not trouble me.

Now to knock on wood.


Anonymous said...

That's the beauty of the outline. You can always look down at the sheet and see what you have to write next, and where you need to get in the story. You can even jump ahead and write a section, then go back and write what you were stuck on before.

I prefer to write things in order, but some people say jumping around helps them.


Unknown said...

I'm not scared of writer's block this weekend either. I'm scared of writer's diarrhea. I have to make sure I don't over reach and get too ambitious.

Is there some kind of writer's Kaopectate i can dose myself with before we start.