Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sudden Stark Fear

G seems to be coming down with some manner of cold, and I fear I may be too.

At least I don't have to sing, but I do worry about my ability to focus with a cold.

Cross your fingers everyone, do whatever it takes to keep me from getting a cold. Get on it.


Anonymous said...

I've swallowed great big handfuls of Sudafed and proceeded to sing before. I can do it again.

But I would really, really prefer not to.


Anonymous said...

Turns out it's the sinus infection, back for a return engagement. But I have antibiotics waiting for pickup at Shoppers, so my hope is that all will be well.


mmrilla said...

I've been totally paranoid about whether or not I'm getting sick for the last few days. I hope those antibiotics kick the crap out of that infection.

Anonymous said...

Cold FX, baby. It's expensive, but it usually works. As for the antibiotics, I'm cautiously optimistic. At the least, they should make it go away for as long as I'm taking them. If it comes back after my prescription runs out, I can deal with it then.